Transportation Alternatives Program Application Available

The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) has announced that application packets are now available for federal Transportation Alternatives Program funds (formerly Transportation Enhancements). This program is for communities in Lucas and Wood Counties, and applications will be accepted from local government entities, park districts, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, and (for certain project categories) public schools and school districts. While nonprofits cannot apply directly, a local government department can apply on their behalf. Projects are aimed at improving non-motorized (pedestrian and bicycle) transportation and making transportation more community-friendly through certain environmental, scenic, historic, and non-driver-related projects.

For the application package, including instructions and form, click here and look under “In the Spotlight”. Contact Diane Reamer-Evans, Transportation Project Manager at TMACOG, at 419.241.9155 ext. 117,, with questions or to request an e-mailed or paper copy of the application package.

The deadline to apply to TMACOG is April 15, 2013.