Summer Celebration with DGL!

DGL employees and their families gathered for the Annual Summer Party!  We took a kayaking trip on the Maumee and enjoyed food, fun and friends at the party! We also took this opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate with Kyle Layton, PE, along with his friends and family, for passing the Professional Engineers exam! We are very proud of his accomplishment!

Scot Morehouse, Laurie Adams, Kyle Layton, Rick McGuckin and Ahmed Hamid

Scot Morehouse, Laurie Adams, Kyle Layton, Rick McGuckin and Ahmed Hamid

Jenna Collins and Alexis Johnson

Jenna Collins and Alexis Johnson

Joan and Steve Cherry

Joan and Steve Cherry

The Adams Family: Mitch, Jim and Laurie

The Adams Family: Mitch, Jim and Laurie

Josh Lau and Bob Bailey

Josh Lau and Bob Bailey

RJ and Landon Lumbrezer

RJ and Landon Lumbrezer