North Ridgeville City Schools Traffic Impact Study

DGL was commissioned to conduct a Traffic Impact Analysis for North Ridgeville's proposed school for Grades 3-8. The school was added to the existing North Ridgeville High School Campus and a new access point was proposed on Bainbridge Road. This Traffic Impact Analysis considered the effect that the new Grade School would have on the roadway network, discussed potential access points and provided recommendations for access locations and improvements necessary to accommodate this development. This analysis was performed in accordance with ODOT and Lorain County requirements. Traffic volume counts were collected to obtain current traffic for intersections adjacent to the proposed development. ITE Trip Generation analysis was conducted to estimate the vehicular volume generated by this development. The existing and projected traffic volumes were combined, and the results were used to perform the analysis. 

Check out this article about the completed project:{%22page%22:%2226%22,%22issue_id%22:460267}