DGL was enlisted to provide due diligence research to evaluate various potential HQ sites for access, utilities, anticipated development costs, site restrictions and requirements and to prepare schematic concept plans. The selected site included the redevelopment of 37-acres of the Brandywine Country Club golf course, plus 18 acres of undeveloped land in Monclova Township. DGL prepared preliminary site layouts for use by the landscape architect to provide renderings for public involvement meetings, governing agencies, emergency responders and zoning exhibits to rezone the property for the office use.  Additional scope items included a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Roadway Design and Demolition Plans.

DGL developed the site using LEED principles to break up the 700-car parking lot with landscaped islands as BioRetention Cells that also served as part of the detention and water quality system.

DGL received an Honor Award for this project at the 2017 Engineering Excellence Awards Ceremony for the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)